Mid-Valley Chiropractic LLP



What does a Chiropractic Physician do? 

A first visit to the Chiropractor may seem intimidating, but really it's very similar to a visit to any doctors office. There is initial paperwork to be filled out with information about your past health history, which may include information about current prescriptions, current diagnosis, past illnesses or injuries or major illness of your immediate relatives. This is to determine what kinds of Chiropractic Treatment may be best for your individual complaint. That’s right! There are many different kinds of Chiropractic Therapies. Our skilled and compassionate providers work with you, in order to guarantee the most beneficial and personalized experience possible. Chiropractic care should never be a one size fits all. Mom, Dad, Grandma and even baby deserve treatment as individual and unique as they are, so we modify our treatments accordingly to offer everyone the best possible personal experience and outcome. After your paperwork is reviewed by one of our Chiropractic Physicians, you will be taken into one of our premium private treatment rooms for your Chiropractic Exam, a "review of findings", and finally, when indicated, your treatment! 


What is a Chiropractic Exam?

A Chiropractic Exam is a very important part of determining what sort of treatments will be appropriate and most beneficial for you specifically. One of our doctors will accompany you into one of our treatment rooms where they may look as things such as; posture, ranges of motion, muscle tone, and may use special tests called Orthopedic Tests, to determine what is causing your discomfort. Occasionally, your physician may need to preform tests on your nerves, eyes, or ears to determine if your problem is coming from these areas. There is no need to be alarmed, these tests are almost always painless, and your doctor has advanced training to make sure you stay as comfortable as possible. After this part of the exam your physician may use his or her hands to feel your muscles or bones in the areas of concern. Your Chiropractor will always get your permission before this step, and the highest consideration is given to your personal comfort and privacy at all times. After the doctor determines what he or she believes is causing your discomfort or altered function, they will prepare a diagnosis, which is a medical judgement of what is causing your symptoms. 


What happens after my diagnosis?

After your provider determines your diagnosis, this is when they will talk to you specifically about what they found, and why they think what they think. You will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions, both of our Chiropractic Physicians appreciate and encourage question asking since taking an active role in ones own healthcare is the best step forward towards successful resolution of ones health problems!

Your provider will explain, clearly, and in easy to understand language, any risks or complications to treatments, although these are quite uncommon. Afterwards the Chiropractor will explain what they believe the best treatment for you will look like. This may include;

-Chiropractic Adjustments. These pay be preformed with either the doctors hands, or with gentle professional tools. (more on what a chiropractic adjustment is later) 

-Clinical Massage with professional clinical grade massage tools or with the doctors hands borrowing from different highly accredited Physical and Manual Therapy Techniques.

-Forms of Therapeutic Stretching. Some stretches the doctor may do for you, and some which the doctor may help you do. 

-Physical Therapy exercises designed to strengthen different parts of the spine and body. 

-Nutritional Counseling which can involve scientifically based supplementation with vitamins, minerals or herbs to help decrease pain and improve function of the body. 

-Postural Re-Training which can help us strengthen the important muscles that hold us upright and straight during the many activities of our lives. Poor posture can frequently be a culprit of back pain.  

-Electrical Therapies directed to help reduce acute and chronic pain. 



What does a Chiropractic treatment look like?

Once the initial visit and diagnosis are complete, now its time for the treatment! A Chiropractic treatment begins with your doctor asking questions about what is bringing you to the clinic that day. This may include painful and restricted motions, muscle spasms, headaches, back pain, neck pain, shoulder, knee or even foot pain! Lots of things that go wrong with our bodies can be improved by Chiropractic manipulations, don't be afraid to ask! Both of our doctors are happy to explain, in plain English, using the latest in scientifically based medicine, the hows and whys of what we do and the goals we wish to accomplish. 

Most treatments will involve laying on your belly on a special table called a Chiropractic table. These are special tables designed to assist Chiropractics with their adjustments. The doctor will feel your back and associated muscles and will use a variety of techniques that may include manual and instrument-assisted type Chiropractic adjustments. In addition, manual soft tissue techniques, advanced instrument assisted clinical massage techniques, physical therapy exercises and nutritional counseling may be administered as needed.



What is a Chiropractic adjustment?

A Chiropractic Adjustment, also known as a Chiropractic Manipulation, Manual Manipulation, or Spinal Manipulation, is a common therapeutic treatment for joint pain. A Chiropractic Adjustment refers to a Chiropractor applying manipulation to the vertebrae, or other bone, that have abnormal movement patterns, or are failing to function normally. The goal of a Chiropractic adjustment is to increase the range of motion of the targeted joint (or "restricted" joint), which can reduce nerve irritability, decrease muscle spasm, improve function, increase motion and reduce pain.

A Chiropractic Adjustment typically involves a quick push using either the Chiropractors hand or a specially built tool with the intent to cause a restoration of normal movement within the joint. This will typically include a sensation of relief. An accompanying, sometimes audible, release of release of naturally occurring gases within the joint may create a "pop" sound. This is purely a phenomena of the fluids within a joint, part of the field of hydrodynamics called a cavitation. Hearing a "pop" does not indicate that the adjustment did or did not restore function to the targeted joint, it simply means that natural gases within the joint were compressed. 



Chiropractic and Accidents (Including Motor Vehicle Accidents)


Have you, or someone you know been involved in a motor vehicle collision, or other traumatic accident? Frequently after an accident, we are so full of adrenaline and shock that we neglect minor and moderate injuries. It is important to seek an examination from a Physician, which includes but is certainly not exclusive to a Chiropractic Physician, following an accident to determine if there was damage, and what sorts of treatment are appropriate and reasonable. Oregon is considered a "no-fault state" which means that no matter who was legally at fault in the accident, that medical care can be administered to the insured at no cost, when a claim is filed with the insurance. This coverage extends to passengers of motor vehicle accidents as well. This law was created to reduce "barriers to care", or to encourage sufferers of an accident to seek exams and care without having to worry about personal cost. 

Chiropractors are considered Primary Care Providers in the State of Oregon and no referral is required to seek care.

One of the most common injuries from a motor vehicle accident is the damaging effect of whiplash. Whiplash occurs when a sudden jarring motion is sustained, either backwards, forwards, or even to the side. Whiplash destabilizes the spine and can cause severe pain. Any body part that is thrown forward unexpectedly, and beyond normal limits can sustain sprained ligaments and muscles, and can even result in tears to these important structures. Early care and treatment reduce the likelihood of long term pain and disability and improve outcomes and quality of life.

Accidents can be a very stressful time. Even a car crash that is seemingly minor with limited damage to the car itself can cause serious injury to the driver and passengers. Chiropractic treatments, when appropriate, are a good step towards restoring function and reducing pain. At Mid-Valley Chiropractic we make this an easy and painless process with prompt scheduling, thorough exams, informative doctors, and state of the art technology and techniques designed to get you out of pain and back to function. Both Dr. Gabriel Wilson and Dr. Marisa Aptecker have over a decade combined of experience helping patients overcome their accident-related injuries, frequently working alongside teams of healthcare specialists including but not limited to Medical Doctors, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, and Neurologists to provide a complete health resolution.  

 Call today for a free phone consultation with one of our doctors, to discuss a Motor Vehicle Accident Exam; 

(541) 967-7844




Did I read that correctly? Chiropractic for babies? (And for Mom too!) 

You sure did! And not just for babies! Chiropractic has been documented by multiple evidence based scientific studies to improve and ease the process of having a baby, for Mom, at every stage of her pregnancy. There are no known contraindications to Chiropractic care throughout a healthy pregnancy. Our own Dr. Marisa Aptecker has years of experience providing Chiropractic care for happy Mamas and babies, and has been featured twice as the premiere Chiropractor at the Lebanon Birthing Center's annual Baby Bump Bash.

Both Dr. Marisa Aptecker and Dr. Gabriel Wilson are fully trained in the internationally renown Webster Technique, which is a specific technique that utilizes a specific combination of Chiropractic Adjustments alongside specific muscle and ligament therapies to restore even tone to the developing pregnant pelvis and uterus to encourage an ideal birth for Mom and Baby.

Special tables and specialized medical equipment that adjust for growing Mamas throughout all three trimesters are used to avoid unneeded pressure on the abdomen and pelvis.

Exercises and stretches that are safe to use in pregnancy may also be provided as part of your treatment. 

The most common need for Chiropractic treatment in pregnancy results from increased changes in; expanding abdomen and the resulting increased back curvature, changes in orientation of the pelvis and postural changes and adaptations to Mamas changing body.

Scientifically demonstrated benefits of Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy include; maintenance of a healthier pregnancy, decrease in pregnancy-related nausea, reduction in time of labor and delivery, relief from back, neck, and joint pain, and a decrease in the likelihood of a cesarean delivery. 

But what about baby?

Chiropractic care in the first several months of life can have many different indicators including; traumatic birth, Colic that does not respond to first line interventions, torticollis (or Babys neck looking cooked, tight or twisted), sleeping difficulties and/or bowel irregularities.

Dr. Marisa Aptecker has received substantial advanced training in specific, effective and gentle Chiropractic techniques for the newborn up to 18 months and is available for consultation to determine if Chiropractic care is right for your child.



Chiropractic for the Athlete

By definition, the athlete is; "a person trained or gifted in exercises or contests involving physical agility, stamina, or strength." Between tough workouts and the rigors of practice and games athletes can often suffer chronic aches and pains, which unfortunately can morph into serious injuries. By correcting restricted motions of the body, improving and eliminating muscle imbalances and improving strength and coordination, Chiropractors can help maximize your performance on the field by preventing injuries and improving recovery.

Sports Chiropractic is widely utilized by athletes from all sports and at all levels, from our nations Olympians to our Little Leaguers. This benefit results from a combination of; correcting asymmetries in the athletes body, increasing ranges of motion in both the spine and the extremities, promotion of faster healing from both routine and more severe injuries as well as prevention of injuries in the first place. Talk to your doctor today about how Chiropractic can benefit your athletic performance. 



Chiropractic as a Healthy Lifestyle 

Chiropractic has many applications beyond those listed above. In addition to those benefits routine Chiropractic care can help decrease routine pain that can occur with aging, allowing patients to stay active longer, and massively improving quality of life. With the reality of increasing "screen time", both at school and at work, chronic pain can develop from sustaining the posture necessary to preform these essential functions. Routine Chiropractic Care and exercises can help increase comfort and function in the workplace, and in school.

Routine Chiropractic Care, also known as, "Maintenance Care" is meant to prevent future relapses of symptoms, and maintain improvement after active care has been completed. Maintenance Care usually involves periodic check-up visits in order to prevent future relapses and maintain the benefits that were achieved during more active treatment. Maintenance Care visits are usually anywhere from 2 week to 3 month intervals, depending on many factors including history of pervious back pain, history of trauma, and any other pertinent complicators. Your doctor will discuss with you what their professional opinion for a reasonable maintenance care interval will be, although most patients would ideally benefit from monthly Chiropractic check-ups to stay in optimal health and wellness. 



Beyond Chiropractic

"Low back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the Global Burden of Disease 2010."

Chiropractic is the third largest healthcare profession in the United States behind Dentistry and Allopathic (Hospital) Medicines. Some Chiropractors may specialize in various aspects of healthcare including; Pediatrics, Peri and Postnatal care, Sports Medicine, Neurology, Nutrition, Well Women and Mens Exams and even Minor Surgery! Chiropractors contribute to a broad spectrum of healthcare, and as primary care providers in the state of Oregon, no referral is necessary to seek Chiropractic care. Wherever a Chiropractors specialty may lie, our common goal remains the same; to improve quality of life, reduce suffering, and increase function, for all.